Categories: Tips and Advice

3 Ways Home Theatre Will Restore Your Sanity

Not everybody loves going to the movies. Finding a park, allocated seating, the line at the snack kiosk, the loud mouths and the chompers…and that’s before the movie starts. When the lights go down, you’re treated to a great flick in the discomfort of decade old seats, where other butts have sweated and the arm rest is usually broken.

Occasionally, you’ll buy a popcorn and a drink, but only after saving your spare change for a month; going to the movies almost demands a second mortgage. If only there was a way to get the widescreen experience at home…home theatre is just that. The widescreen experience in the comfort of your own space, where the snacks are fresh, the popcorn hot and you can have a beer without sacrificing a week’s worth of coffees.

If the promise of tasty snacks, comfort and no lines isn’t enough to restore your sanity and prompt you to set up your own home theatre. Check out our other top three and then tell us you don’t need a home theatre!

Say Goodbye to Limited Release – It isn’t always possible to see the flicks you’re interested in at the local cinema – sometimes they aren’t picked up; the release is limited; the session schedule is bad or you just don’t have time. Instead of sacrificing that “experience” aspect, catch your favourites on another big screen – the one you pay for (once).

 Entertain the Kids –Taking the kids to the movies is a) expensive b) tiring and c) an experience you won’t be repeating very often. Even if you can afford it, keeping their wandering, inquisitive minds on the story in front of them robs the supervising party of any enjoyment. Home will deliver that “wow” experience without the woe and weariness. If they’re distracted, the movie is easily paused until they’re ready and settled again. Grab some snacks, invite around a few friends and let their childhood play out on another big screen.

“You” Time Redesigned – How often do you wish you could turn off the world and grab a slice of you time in a dark room with no one to disturb you? A home theatre is a must-have accessory for any cave and the perfect device for losing yourself for a couple of hours. More than an impressive talking point or a party pleaser, a home theatre will re-invent TV, transforming the way you catch the footy grand final or end your favourite TV show. Imagine that, you, your mates, maybe a few drinks and your team on the big screen…

Do you feel sane yet?



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